The Polman Astra Automotive Engineering Associate program equips graduates with additional certification issued by DIHK (Deutsche Industri- und Handelskammer) or known as the German Chamber of Commerce. This program is result of the collaboration between Polman Astra and EKONID (Indonesian-German Economic Association). The competency that is tested on students is the Automotive-Mechatronic. Based on DIHK standards, the test is splits into 2 parts. The first part was held at December 2017. The second part will start from September 27th to the October 5th 2018, and just like the first part, the second part also split into a written test and the practical test. This year, 21 participants registrated in the certification test.
“To complete the certification, students must undergo the additional qualification, such as: diagnostic strategies, modern automotive technology and hybrid technology. The assessment is based on 35% of part 1 plus 65% of part 2” explained Yohanes C. Sutama, Head of the Automotive Engineering Study Program. In this test, the participants must demonstrate the ability to use workshop information, choose appropriate work tools and measuring instruments, documenting the results, the ability to describe specific problems and solutions, and problem solving with an approach to work procedures.
The Certification Exam was adopted by Polman Astra from the competency standardization in Germany and adjusted to the technical conditions, duration and regulations that applied in Indonesia. This was done to improve the competency level of Automotive Engineering Associate Degree graduates to be more competitive. “Polman Astra has adopted this certification to improve the competitiveness of graduates, so they’re not only get Associate Experts degree but also be equipped with competencies that approved by the international level,” continued Yohanes.
Hardy Hoffmann, who currently serves as Head of Training and Education Department in EKONID, was appointed to be a consultant in the development of this program at Polman Astra. The examiners are the lecturers and instructors of the Automotive Engineering study program, one of them are Elroy Fransiskus, who got the Meister Certification of Automotive-Mechatronic in Germany. “Certification will be parallel with the Meister program that developed by Polman Astra, and it will be additional certificate for their graduation (students), therefore the Industry will be more confident in recruiting them because they’re qualified with automotive competency standards approved by the industry” said Yohanes.