On January 10, 2018, Polman Astra had a special guest from PT Sinar Mas, one of the biggest companies in Indonesia. Those who were sent to Polman Astra were officials assigned to build the Polytechnic under the name of the Sinar Mas Berau Coal Polytechnic. Sinar Mas sees Polman Astra as the Best Practice for vocational education, especially for those who started building their formal higher education institutions to meet the needs of human resources to support businesses, including developing their company’s CSR programs. They even sent 11 people to come from Berau, East Kalimantan including Horas Pardede (Chairman of the YDBBC Foundation), Agustina Tutik (Director of the Sinar Mas Berau Coal Polytechnic) along with 2 deputies, Dandy Eko Prasetyo and Fanny Rizki. The Head of the Finance Bureau and 3 heads of study programs formed by the Polytechnic, which are the Survey and Mapping, Logistics Engineering Technology and Mining Machinery Maintenance are also present.
The group of the Sinar Mas Berau Coal Polytechnic was welcomed by Tony Harley Silalahi (Director of Polman Astra) and Tonny Pongoh (Deputy Director I) accompanied by Endro Wahyono (Deputy Director II) along with all related staff.
The meeting was discussing many stuffs related to Polytechnic Governance, Polytechnic Financial System, Academic Information System, Curriculum, Student Internship/OJT System, Scholarship Scheme, New Student Admission Mechanism, Graduates (alumni) and Facilities and Infrastructure. Guided by Tonny Pongoh, guests can freely discuss with related staffs such as Fenny San Dewi, Head of DAKAP, Budi Hartono as Head of DPU SDM, Hari Dwi Nugroho as Head of DKAKA, Rida Indah as Head of DAAK, Yohanes Sutama as Head of Automotive Engineering Study Program, Henry Tobing as the Secretary of the Automotive Engineering Study Program and Vuko ATM as Secretary of the Heavy Equipment Engineering Study Program, even Tonny Pongoh and Endro Wahyono as Deputy Director of Polman Astra, also didn’t hesitate to share their experiences. Time had passed so fast, and it shows 12.00. The meeting was closed with lunch and a visit to the Polman Astra Laboratory. Atet Karkono as the Head of the Technical Service Department accompanied by Sunarjo, the Head of the Integrated Service Unit of Technical, led the tour to the Polman Astra Laboratory.
Video of Comparative Study of Sinar Mas Berau Coal Polytechnic to Polman Astra