Polman Astra participated in Community Service Program, Uniting Nusantara II, held by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education

Reflecting on the success of the last year’s Community Service Program with the theme of Uniting Nusantara I, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education organized the “Uniting Nusantara II”, Community Service Program for Students and Lecturers of Higher Education in the Institute of Higher Education Service Region III. Polman Astra as part of Higher Education once again sent lecturers and students to make the event a success.

This time Polman Astra is targeting Sambas Regency, Tebas District, Tebas Sungai Village as a place of Community Service by sending 3 supervisors and 5 students. With the knowledge they got from Polman Astra, the team that consisting of experienced lecturers and instructors like Andreas Edi, Agus Ponco and Thomas Okki work together with 5 students to create Appropriate Technology Application Activities to improve the local resident’s living standards.

Tebas District is a 3T area (Underdeveloped, Leading and Outermost) of the Republic of Indonesia, where clean water is hard to find in this area. Astra Polman Team tried to implement ready-to-use water purification technology developed by the Research and Community Service Institute of Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic, with the hope that it can be used for collecting the rain water so that it can be ready for drinking.

Tebas District also has many potential that hasn’t been used optimally. This area is the largest citrus-producing region in West Kalimantan, as we know Pontianak oranges sold in several regions of Indonesia are from the citrus plantation in the Tebas district. Polman Astra is trying to make some new products to increase the income of the local residents, including essential oils and anti-mosquito lotions that made from orange peels.

“The Community Service Program was very memorable. Me and my friends from Polman Astra is able to learn about many things including togetherness, family, unification and solidarity among the Polman Astra team itself and other college civitas and local residents who are very welcome to us” said Thomas, one of the instructors who participated in this Community Service Program.

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