Such a blessing to be grateful for Polman Astra, particularly the P4 study program, because the 5-year annual event that is required for all Study Programs in institutions under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education can finally move to the Visitation step by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education assessors. The visitation was based on a letter from the Higher Education National Accreditation Agency, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education number 588 / BAN-PT / SPT-AK / A / 2018, Firdaus, ST., MT and Ir. Toto Supriyono., MT. was appointed as an Assessor to do On-site Assessment of the Equipment Manufacturing and Production Equipment Study Program that was once named Manufacturing Engineering in the Associate program. Started on Sunday, March 18, 2018, with the arrival of the Assessors to Jakarta.
This is a follow-up from National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education on the proposal of the Accreditation Instrument (Accreditation Form) P4 Study Program sent to them through the Online University Accreditation System (SAPTO). SAPTO is the latest system introduced by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in 2018, which aside from facilitating universities to submit their Accreditation Instrument reports, also facilitates National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education itself, in this case the Assessors, to validate the data so that the Accreditation process can be faster and more accurate. “This year with SAPTO, we (Polman Astra) are more facilitated in submitting reports, but each institution must be more observant and careful in presenting data to the Accreditation Agency, because this system will facilitate Assessor to confirm the data. With this new system it will also make it easier for them to detect whether our Accreditation Instrument is included in the Plagiarism category or purely compiled by the Astra Polman Team,” said Sasmito, Head of the Polman Astra Quality Assurance Agency Department.
On March 19, 2018 the Assessors were welcomed by the Director of Polman Astra, Tony Harley Silalahi accompanied by Tonny Pongoh (Deputy Director I), Endro Wahyono (Deputy Director II), Kwe Kosasih (Head of P4Study Program), Quality Assurance Agency Team, Team of Task Force P4 Accreditation Forms, and all related officials in Polman Astra. In his speech, Tony Harley Silalahi hoped that through the accreditation and visitation process, Polman Astra, other than fulfilling the administrative requirements set by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, was also an opportunity to get feedback, especially from the Assessors for Polman Astra evaluation, especially in developing the P4 study programs so it can be better and match with the wishes of National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education as an official agency appointed by the Ministry of Research and Technology to guarantee the quality of Higher Education in Indonesia.
In this visitation, the Assessors wanted to matching the on-site conditions with the Accreditation Instrument that had been sent and at the same time wanted to explore some of the data that was still lacking in SAPTO. For this reason, for 2 days the Assessors had meeting with Polman Astra management, administrators of the P4 Study Program including active students, alumni of the P4 Study Program and Graduates of the Study Program. And they also inspect the facilities and equipment as well as meeting with supporting staff who also play a role in the operational activities, such as the finance, student affairs, administration, staffing and others. This visitation takes place from March 19 to 20, 2018.
“The current P4 study program is far better compared to 10 years ago, and hopefully it can bring enthusiasm to develop even better in the future,” said Toto Supriyono, one of the Assessors who had also done an assessment of the P4 Study Program ten years ago. Furthermore, Sasmito said that every Polman Astra civitas academics must understand the standards made by National Accreditation Agency because according to him there are currently many activities that can add the accreditation of a study program, but still lacking in reporting and documentation, “The report and documentation become important in the Accreditation component, and should be standard because it can be a supporting data of the Accreditation Instrument which is frequently asked by the Assessors during the visitation. We also need to improve the quality of research and community service programs,” concluded Sasmito when asked what we still need to improve on the results of the visitation. The Secretary of the P4 Study Program, Yohanes Tri Joko, also agree and revealed that through this visitation could accelerate the PDCA (Plan Do Check Action) cycle of the P4 Study Program, which is now become more better. “Through this activity, we can do a deep introspection of what we have, will and are doing to ourselves and our supply chain. Moreover, this introspection is assisted by certified and trusted assessors according to National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education perspective,” said Tri Joko.
Video of Visitation of National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education for 2018 Polman Astra P4 Study Program Accreditation