Polman Astra launched Workshop and Laboratory for the Building Construction Technology study program which this year is running its first batch. It was established on the land owned by PT Astra International on Jalan Gaya Motor Raya No.1, exclusively for Building Construction Technology study program. The launching was attended by Tony Harley Silalahi, Director of Polman Astra, Tonny Pongoh, Deputy I of Polman Astra, Agung Sampurno, Wadir II of Polman Astra and related officials from Polman Astra.
“As a vocational education institution, laboratories is important tool, so the students can sharpening their competencies. Polman Astra also collaborates with PT. ACSET to provide field laboratories for practical work . This is intended to prepare students before they go to the real industry.” said Agung Kaswadi who was appointed as the coordinator of the establishment of this study program. “Right now we have Bricklaying and Plumbing workshops, which are built first because student need to practice in the first semester,” explained Mohamad Sukantara, one of the Building Construction Technology Study Program Instructors. In the future, GA Polman Astra will preparing the second phase construction in the same location. “The target is in February (2019), there will be steel workshops, materials testing laboratories, and soil surveying/surveying laboratories,” said Sukantara. By completing the facilities, hopefully it can improve the implementation of the “Astra Dual System”, especially in Building Construction Technology Study Program. “We prepare the complete equipment as soon as possible and adjust it to the latest updates, because in the future the workshop and laboratory will be used as a place to do SKA/SKT certification (Certificate of Expertise/Skills Certificate)” said Sukantara.
In his speech, Tonny Pongoh as Deputy I Polman Astra, invited us to be grateful for what we have prepared this time, “it’s far from perfect, but I want you to stay enthusiast in learning, because gradually all the facilities that we need will definitely be prepared. And if you physically separated from other Study Program because they’re at the different locations, you don’t have to feel inferior, because you are still part of Polman Astra.” Similar with Tonny, Tony Harley Silalahi, Director of Polman Astra said that the plan to build the New Campus of Polman Astra in Cikarang, if the development plan run smoothly, Polman Astra would have enough area to develop other facilities, including all the needs of the Building Construction Technology study program..
16 students of Building Construction Technology study program batch I will do their practice in the new workshop and laboratory.