“Visit Jakarta” application made by Polman Astra students won 3rd place in the 2019 Itechno Cup

Jakarta State Polytechnic Engineering and Computer Engineering Student Association organized 2019 Itechno Cup by taking the FUTURISTIC theme “Face The Future With Technology”. This year the competition was competing 5 fields, and that is Networking Skill Competition, Design Competition, E-Sport Competition, Overclocking Competition, Web Development Competition, Short Movie Competition. The event itself was held from April 1 to 5, 2019 which took place in Depok. The Information Systems Study Program for the first time joined this competition in the web development competency branch and was able to achieve third prize in the competition. The Polmaners Team led by Nindy Okta Novianti, Noer Lisna Anjani and Mela Hidayah, students of level II Information Systems study program made an application that supports DKI Jakarta tourism, named as VISIT JAKARTA.

They developed a platform that could be utilized by tourists who need tour guide services, because this platform bring together professional tour guides from Jakarta with tourists who need their services based on the specifications that they want. This application also give opportunities for young people who want to improve their speaking and foreign language skills by becoming a tour guide. Because this application also has a free tour guide service feature.

Polmaners team wins over hundreds of proposals that submitted to the committee. The appointed jury are from practitioners of Artificial Intelligence who also take part in start-ups such as Bukalapak.

“This application facilitate potential tourists to travel in new places. In the future, we want to develop this application more broadly with the scope of visit the Indonesia, so when the tourists come, they have no problem visiting tourist attractions in Indonesia,” said Nindy, one of the members of the Polmaners team.

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