Bachelor Of Applied

Logistics Engineering Technology

Prodi Name
Logistics Engineering Technology

SK establishment
Kepmendikbudristek No. 55/D/OT/2023

Abbreviation Prodi

Prodi Accreditation

Competency Of Study Program

In order to face the rapid technological development, the Logistics Engineering Technology Study Program of Astra Polytechnic has a vision, mission and educational goals in order to be able to compete in the challenges of graduate uptake and graduate user satisfaction in the industrial era 4.0, as well as to be relevant to institutional statutes and strategic plans of Astra Polytechnic.


Being a D4 Logistics Engineering Technology (TRL) study program that excels in the field of manufacturing logistics with mastery of the competency aspects of implementing logistics management engineering to be more effective and efficient.


  1. Organizing quality education and teaching by means of Astra Dual System and instilling Astra value for graduates of Logistics Engineering Technology D4 Study Program, so as to meet the demands and needs of industry and society.
  2. To produce graduates who have reliable competence and expertise in the field of logistics engineering technology, as well as having a professional and ethical attitude of Astra's people.
  3. Conducting research and community service in the development of logistics engineering technology, which is qualified and beneficial to improving the quality of industry, society and scientific progress as a manifestation of Astra's lofty ideals.
  4. Establish cooperation and improve good relations with industry, government agencies, and the community, in order to advance the field of logistics engineering technology.
  5. Providing adequate and quality facilities and pre-facilities for education, research, and community service related to international standard logistics engineering technology.

Graduate Profile

Soft Skill

Soft skills are a concern is in terms of the character of graduates who have:

  • Integrity
    Disiplin, Kejujuran/trustworthiness, komitmen
  • Reliable
    Proaktif, kompetitif, willingness to learn dan problem solver
  • Tangguh
    Never give up, strive for excellence, always looking for a way out of problems
  • Collaborative
    Leadership, time management, building relation
  • Innovative
    Creative, curious, dare to try new things

Hard Skill

In the form of courses that are always in harmony with the progress of the industry, the support of competent educators and have experience in related industries. In addition, students are given the opportunity to do an internship in the industry for 2 semesters as a form of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) with trained and experienced mentors so that the knowledge gained can be applied directly during the internship.

Lab Facilities