Precision Tool Manufacturing Technology

Equip the graduates with competencies in the design and manufacture of industrial tools

The Precision Tool Manufacturing Technology Study Program, which was changed to Manufacturing Engineering, establised in 1995 as a study program related to the design and manufacture of industrial tools, both using manual machines and Computerized Numerical Control (CNC).

The Study Program Visionon Program:

“To be the best & most popular Study Program in Indonesia in the field of Production Equipment and Tools Manufacturing in 2014”.

Being the best means that the study program has an educational method that prioritizes superior Hardskill and Soft skill for their graduates.

Being popular can be interpreted for students candidate to choose study programs and the graduates or industry users to prioritize graduates of the Production Equipment and Tools Manufacturing Study Program because they have complete hardskill and soft skill compared to other study programs.

The Production Equipment and Tools Manufacturing means that the student will mastering the design and manufacture of production tools such as jigs & fixtures, molds, dies and simple machines and able to supervise the production planning and manufacturing unit.

The Study Program Mission:

“Arranging the education process, research and community services, especially in the production tools equipment, as well as doing an improvements in the quality of human resources and institutional development through production services by doing a research in the production equipment and tools”.

Graduates Competency:

  • Operating the manual machinetools (Bench Work, Turning, Milling, Grinding, Assembling, etc).
  • Operating the computer-based machine tools Computerized Numerical Control (CNC).
  • Mastering the Computerized Aided Design (CAD) andComputerized Aided Manufacture (CAM).
  • Mastering Measurement and Metrology.
  • Designing Mould & Dies.
  • Designing Jig & Fixture.

General Overview of P4 Curriculum

Percentage of Credit for theoretical courses (40%) and practical course (60%). Theorical courses are taught such as: Construction Elements, Computerized Aided Design (CAD), Mold & Dies Design, Manufacturing Process, Operational Management.

The practical courses are taught such as: Bench Work, CNC Lathe and Milling, EDM, Wire Cut, Grinding, Heat Treatment, Mold & Dies Design, CNC and CAM Simulation, Practical Work in Industry.


Generally, the graduates of the Equipment & Tools Manufacturing Study Program can work as Tools Maker, Engineering, Designer, Maintenance, PPC.


  • Basic Machining Lab: Bench Work, Milling, Turning, Grinding, Assembling
  • Advance Machining Lab: Electric Discharge Machining, Wire Cutting
  • Heat TreatmentLab
  • Computer Numerical Control (CNC)Lab
  • Advance Inspection Lab: Flexible Measuring Machine

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