Polman Astra arranged Flag Ceremony to celebrate Indonesian Independence Day

On August 17, 2019, as a celebration of 74th Indonesian Independence Day, Polman Astra arranged a flag ceremony independently for first time at the Astra International Complex Square. The flag ceremony was attended by all civitas academicas of Polman Astra from students, lecturers, instructors and staff employees, and led by the director of Polman Astra, Tony Harley Silalahi.

More than 600 participants attended the ceremony that started at 8:00 a.m. They looked enthusiastic even though the ceremony was held on Saturday, including the Polman Astra students that selected as the ceremony officials and they were prepared specifically to do this important task.

The flag ceremony is the most important moment for all civitas academicas of Polman Astra to exercise their nationalism and also as a form of gratitude and respect to all heroes that fight to win the independence that we have today.

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