LP2M Polman Astra and Astra Mitra Ventura held a training for SME assisted by Astra

To developing the SME, LP2M Polman Astra collaborate with Astra Mitra Ventura to organized a training for SMEs in the manufacturing sector. With the headline “How to Ensure Effectiveness in Production Process for Manufacture Industry” the training will focused on the Time Motion Study. Two Polman Astra lecturers were appointed to be the speakers, Edward Rosyidi and Nensi Yuselin, both of them are the lecturers for Time Motion Study class.

The training was held at PT Mada Wikri Tunggal, one of Astra’s target SMEs located in North Cikarang. 22 participants attended this training, from 14 SMEs. “With this training, it is hoped that it can improve work efficiency and productivity in each SME” said Agus Ponco, LP2M coordinator for SME development. This training is also one of the Polman Astra’s commitment to implement the Tri Dharma, which is the community service.

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