LP2M held the Kaizen Training Program for Walang Jaya Vocational High School teachers

On December 12, 2018 LP2M Polman Astra through the Vocational High School Development unit once again held Training for Vocational Schools as part of community service. The training that titled as “Kaizen Training for Vocational Schools – QCC Improvement Methods” was organized by LP2M to socialize the “KAIZEN GOES TO CAMPUSS” program that has been routinely organized by Polman Astra since 2016. This training was first held at Siwa Lima Langgur Vocational High School, Southeast Maluku on April. In 2018, LP2M had been organized the training activities in several places including Southeast Maluku, South Tapanuli and Leuwiliang, Bogor.

For this occasion, the program is targeting the Walang Jaya Vocational School, Tugu, North Jakarta. 15 Walang Jaya Vocational School teachers including the school principal joined the training. Edward Rosyidi and Ambar Wanto Satmoko who appointed as instructors for the program are well-experienced campus practitioners who understand the improvement culture that has been implemented by the industry. In this training the instructors are hopefully can transmit one method of sustainable improvement to be one of the heart of Astra’s industry in terms of innovation and improvement.

The activity started with awareness and training on the qcc method for teachers who later will be the driver for improvement and innovation activities in the school. The final activity is a convention that bring together dozens or hundreds of innovations and improvements from all the Vocational High School through sharing and competition with the theme “KAIZEN GOES TO CAMPUS”. “This program is one of Polman Astra’s efforts in improving the general human resources in the society, specifically in the vocational which is one of the value chains of higher education,” said Yohanes Tri Joko, coordinator of the Vocational High School development unit, LP2M Polman Astra. “We hope that through this program, not only teachers, vocational students will understand the industry culture from the beginning, aside from eliminate the stigma that innovation only belong in the manufacturing industry and hopefully it can inspired the vocational schools to develop more innovation “ said Yohanes.

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