Building Construction Technology

Equip graduates with competency in the Planning, Implementation and Supervision of Building Projects

Definition :

Graduates of Building Construction Technology Associate Program can work at the field of work or type of work related to industry. Which later can contribute and ready to be placed in the planning, implementation and supervision of building projects.

Also having competence in the managerial, design, and buildings manufacturing, technopreneur-characterized, quality awareness with competitive advantages that has professional ethics. Graduates are also equipped with supportive practice, both in workshops  and Laboratories. Graduates of Building Construction Technology Associate Program will get Associate Experts degree. The graduates can also be comparable with some other educational institutions in Indonesia and outside Indonesia.

Graduates Competency:

  • Designer, maker and technopreneur in the building sector
  • Characteristics analyst of technical materials.
  • Technical and CAD illustrator
  • Surveyor
  • Site Supervisor
  • Quantity Surveyor
  • Quality Control
  • Project Administration


Graduates of the Building Construction Technology study program can work in the business and industrial world, including building construction companies (contractors, consultants, developers), mining companies, heavy equipment industries, BUMN, civil/military servants, and entrepreneurs.

Facilities :


Building materials and concrete lab, Computer lab, Soil mechanics lab, Soil measuring lab, Structural lab, Design studios


Stone workshop, Concrete workshop, Scaffolding workshop, Pipe workshop, Plate and steel workshop, Drainage workshop

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