Side Event : Future of Work and Education Task Force

Future of Work & Education Task Force B20 Indonesia in collaboration with Astra Polytechnic, organized a Webinar on the topic: “Strengthening ‘Link & Match’ Education and Industry Through Higher Vocational Education as a Solution for the Future of Work”

Webinars will be held on:
Day/Date : Monday, June 27th 2022
Time : 14.30 – 16.30 (Western Indonesian Time – GMT +7)
Platform : ZOOM Meeting

This international-scale Webinar raises a discussion upon revitalization of vocational education to answer challenges of future industrial needs, especially in response to the post-pandemic world.


Opening Remarks : Shinta Kamdani – Chair B20 Indonesia, Hamdhani Dzulkarnaen Salim – Chair of the Future of Work & Education B20 Indonesia Task Force, President Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, Director of PT Astra International Tbk.

Keynote Speech : Nadiem Makarim – Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Republic of Indonesia

Main Presentation : Urs Keller – President of European Association of Higher Educated Professional (EURO-PROF)

Plenary Session:
Moderator : Dr. Ir. Agus Budiyono, MSAA, EAA

  1. Hamdhani Dzulkarnaen Salim, Chair of the Future of Work & Education B20 Indonesia Task Force, President Director of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, Director of PT Astra International Tbk.
  2. Prof. Drs. Anwar Sanusi, MPA, Ph.D, Chair of Employment Working Group G20 Indonesia, Secretary General Ministry of Manpower Republic of Indonesia
  3. Doddy Rahadi, Head of Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia.
  4. Ananto Kusuma Seta, Ph.D, National Coordinator for ESD – Indonesian Commission for UNESCO.
  5. Pratjojo Dewo, President Director of PT Komatsu Indonesia.
  6. Tony H. Silalahi, Director of Astra Polytechnic.

We invite you, especially practitioners and policy makers in the fields of Industry, Employer and Education Institution to join this webinar.

Registration period: June 8 – 24 2022, via the following link:

For further information:
Thomas Hargono :
Ignatia Erny :

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